Transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work may feel intimidating and a little scary but no worries momma, you’re not alone! Many stay-at-home parents take this step at some point in their life whether they go full-time or part-time. Our best advice for helping this transition go smoothly for the whole family is to prepare well in advance. Below are a few first steps to take and tips to consider as you transition and return to work life.

1. Start the childcare search ASAP

If there’s any first step you take when transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work, searching for great childcare is the one. If you don’t already have a family member or friend lined up to watch your kiddos, don’t hesitate to start looking for childcare openings. Some childcare facilities have extensive waitlists. If you’re wanting to find an in-home childcare provider, look for reputable sitters and start interviewing them right away. Word-of-mouth is huge so make sure to ask everyone you know who they recommend for childcare.

2. Find a job

It’s time to start the job searches! If you haven’t worked at all since becoming a stay-at-home mom, you most likely have a large employment gap in your resume. No need to panic! Although a big gap in a resume can look like a red flag to employers, women have gone back into the workforce after staying at home for years. Take the time to search for job openings, consider volunteer work to get your foot back in the door, and network. Sometimes those who know your skill sets are able to put in a good word for you with an employer or hire you themselves. 

3. Ease your child into new routines before you start working

If your little ones are used to being home with you all day, helping them get used to a daycare routine before starting work will help with the transition. This gives you time to see how the childcare is working and whether or not you want your kids to continue attending. You may be able to ease your kids in by attending a couple of days a week or half days until they are more comfortable. If you have older children who are in school and need after-school care until you get home from work, it’s not a bad idea to have them start their new routine early as well.

4. Delegate more house chores

As a stay-at-home mom, you’re most likely the one handling the majority of household chores since you spend most of your time at home. When transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work, you should start thinking about how to delegate chores to the rest of the family. This way you’re not trying to manage the same load you were managing before working outside the home. As they say, teamwork makes the dream work! There are awesome family chore apps that you can utilize to make family chores manageable and fun for everyone.

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5. Start meal planning ahead of time

When transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work, it’s obvious that you’re not going to have as much time to cook meals on the spot. And no one wants to come home after a long day at work to spend a long time in the kitchen preparing dinner. For example, meal planning on a Sunday before the week begins is worth the time and effort to help the rest of the week run smoothly. There are even snack subscription boxes that deliver to homes.

6. Prepare for sick days and holidays

Start thinking ahead about the inevitable times when one or more of your kids won’t be able to go to childcare because they’re sick. Will you call off from work and stay home with them? Can another family member or friend take over for a day or two? It’s also good to know ahead of time when your child’s daycare will be closed for the holidays so you can make plans for alternative childcare. 

7. Use evening time to help your future you

Transitioning from a stay-at-home mom to work means the mornings are going to get a bit more hectic. Rather than flying around the house every morning in an attempt to get everything and everyone ready to go, think about what you can do the night before to help the future you. Some ideas include laying out clothes, getting bags/book bags ready, and meal prepping breakfast and lunch (and why not start the crockpot for dinnertime later). 

8. Utilize remaining free time

Before transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work, take advantage of your open schedule while you still have one. This is a good time to schedule doctor’s checkups, dentist appointments, and other appointments that are easier to secure during the days. This also can be a fun time to take your kids to some fun parks, the zoo, a children’s museum, etc. Most places aren’t as busy during the weekday compared to the weekend.

9. Take advantage of the time when everyone is home

It’s natural for moms to feel guilty when transitioning from a stay-at-home mom to work. You aren’t at home as often and don’t see your kids as frequently during the day. Rather than worry about your new routine, make sure to take advantage of the time you do have when everyone is at home together. Taking a break from work and your cell phone will allow you to spend quality time with those you love. The intentional time spent together will make a huge difference! 

Transitioning from stay-at-home mom to work will be a change in everyone’s normal day-to-day routine but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Finding a great childcare provider and a job that values work-life balance for its employees will make a huge difference. By taking the necessary preparations ahead of time, you and your kids will be ready to go when the time comes! 

What else is helpful for women transitioning from stay-at-home moms to work? Let us know in the comments below!