About Kaylee Garcia

Kaylee Garcia is the mama to one sweet boy and one sweet girl, and wife to an awesome husband. Kaylee and her son (he’s only 4!) have completed over 20 trips via air travel (thank you, Alaska Airlines!) on over 40+ airplane rides! They love sharing travel tips with other families since they’ve learned a lot in the last 4 years. Kaylee enjoys spending time with family, researching baby gear, and exploring the Pacific Northwest.

11 Reasons Why Babies Make the Best Travel Companions

Traveling with babies may seem like a daunting, troublesome, stress-induced obstacle course. And yes, it can be a bit overwhelming at times. But, we’ve compiled a list of reasons why traveling with babies is actually quite awesome and much easier than you may think! In [...]

2022-09-01T15:10:14-05:00November 1st, 2018|

{UPDATED} Top 10 Summer Side Gigs for Teachers

Teachers are embracing the gig economy as a way to earn a little extra money during summer vacation. But which side hustles are best for teachers, given their well-earned need for some downtime over the summer months? https://youtu.be/wD9ZxkqlYzY We took a look at the ideal [...]

2022-06-20T10:36:00-05:00June 1st, 2017|
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