About Lisa Holmes

Lisa Holmes lives in Wellfleet, MA with her husband, toddler and infant. She is a BabyQuip Quality Provider and loves welcoming travelers to Cape Cod. She works as an elementary school teacher, which gives her the opportunity to enjoy lots of time at the beach during her summer vacations!

Product Info: Baby Jogger Double Stroller Options

Baby Jogger has become a favorite brand for many families. Many of their products have attractive and luxurious features without the hefty price tags that other brands have, and they are built to last! Baby Jogger began in 1984 when founder Phil Baechler invented the [...]

2024-07-25T18:17:14-05:00July 21st, 2021|

Avis Car Seat Rental and Hertz Car Seat Rental vs. BabyQuip

Traveling can be hectic...and traveling with little children can be really hectic. At BabyQuip we know that the goal is to pack light and travel happy, but what to do about those oh-so-necessary car seats? While some parents opt to bring along their own familiar [...]

2021-09-29T16:26:28-05:00May 17th, 2021|

Flying With a Newborn: 10 Ways to Make it Easier

One mission at BabyQuip is to take the weight off your back when you travel with young children. We want you to be able to carry only the essentials through the airport so that things like arrival, passing security checkpoints, dealing with customs, boarding your [...]

2021-09-28T17:51:46-05:00April 26th, 2021|

{UPDATED} Spring Break with Kids: 7 Amazing Ideas

After being cooped up indoors all winter long, it can feel really revitalizing for the whole family to travel out of town and see something new! Not every destination is a family-friendly spring break vacation spot (we’ll avoid those) but there are plenty of places [...]

2023-05-17T19:29:32-05:00April 15th, 2021|

7 Best Family Travel Podcasts You Need To Listen To

BabyQuip is built on the irrefutable fact that traveling with kids comes with unique challenges. There’s the packing, the attempt to keep a nap schedule, and the airport lines that seem like they’ll never end. Sometimes getting out of your family’s comfort zone means, well…being [...]

2022-09-26T18:16:56-05:00March 2nd, 2021|

Santa Barbara: Top Adventures for Families with Young Kids

Traveling to Santa Barbara? Pack Light. Travel Happy.™ Rent baby gear in Santa Barbara. On California’s Central Coast, tucked between the picturesque Santa Ynez Mountains and the shimmering Pacific Ocean, you will find the small city of Santa Barbara. The fruit trees and [...]

2024-03-21T04:17:12-05:00February 24th, 2021|

7 Best Websites for House Swapping & House Sitting

Looking for a way to get the family out of town without breaking the bank? House swapping and house sitting are two alternatives to traditional travel that you may want to consider if you are trying to save money on travel. These are great ways [...]

2022-09-01T15:37:29-05:00January 22nd, 2021|

Borrowing vs. Renting Baby Gear: Which is Better?

It’s no secret that here at BabyQuip we are passionate about the concept of renting baby gear. Over the past few years we’ve built a business on the notion that there are many instances where it makes more sense to rent than buy. But what [...]

2022-09-01T15:37:01-05:00January 7th, 2021|
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