Top 6 Family Friendly Hostels in the US

If you’re trying to cut family travel costs and have never stayed in a hostel before, hear us out! Hostel rates are considerably lower than average hotel rates. There are beautiful and welcoming family friendly hostels throughout the US and especially in popular tourist areas.  [...]

2022-09-01T15:09:29-05:00February 18th, 2022|

7 Best Mountain Towns in the US

Between skiing on snow-covered mountain tops to hiking along wooded mountain trails, the United States offers plenty of beautiful mountain towns. Each mountain town has its own personality and feel, including unique and family-friendly places to stay, visit, and eat at. Below are 7 of [...]

2022-09-01T15:07:51-05:00October 11th, 2021|

8 Best Tree House Rentals in the US

Need to get away from it all? Want a place to reground yourself? Nestle in the forest or jungle where nature sounds abound and phone service is limited. We’ve listed some of the best tree house rentals in the US, whether you’re looking for a [...]

2022-09-01T15:06:26-05:00September 10th, 2021|

Visit the Nation’s 8 Best Beach Towns for Families

famTravel has no doubt become a challenge during this pandemic, and many of us are itching to escape our surroundings after being confined for months. There has never been a better time to skip the airport and head out on a road trip for a [...]

2021-09-29T15:59:06-05:00November 25th, 2020|
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