It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of products available on the market for both new moms and babies alike. Before you know it, you’ve purchased a bunch of products that you don’t actually need for yourself and your new little one—what a waste! Don’t get us wrong; we know shopping for the sake of shopping is always fun, but baby stuff and postpartum supplies start to pile up fast and furiously. The piles can threaten to take over every inch of your living space if you give in to every adorable, or seemingly necessary, baby or postpartum item on the store shelf that you think you’ll need or every item recommended to you by a well intended friend. And for first time moms, we know this is particularly stressful.
Whether you’re having your first baby or your last baby, we know how challenging it can be to narrow down the must haves for new moms, including postpartum and new baby essentials. But the good news is, we’ve done it for you! Focus on preparing to welcome your baby and enjoying pregnancy because we’ve got you covered. We scoured the interwebs to find the top 5 must haves for new moms (categorized for ease of use, you’re welcome) to ensure you are prepared but not overwhelmed with supplies and items once your baby makes their grand debut.
So, without further ado, here are the top 5 must haves for new moms (separated by category for your convenience!):
Postpartum Care

It may be super hard to do for the rest of your life after becoming a new mom, but it’s one of the most important things you should do: take care of yourself! You will be mostly focused on your new baby (we don’t blame you; new babies are amazing and perfect and so lovable!) but if you don’t care for yourself, you can’t care for your new little one. So, that’s why the number one most important category of must haves for new moms are all of the Postpartum Care items to ensure mom is healthy and well too.
These items include: healing products for a vaginal or c-section delivery (pads, ice packs, FridaMom supplies, Witch Hazel wipes, etc.), Tylenol or Ibuprofen for pain management, comfortable and loose clothes, robes, healthy snacks, water, and of course lots of help and support!
The postpartum experience is such an amazing journey with lots of ups and downs. So make sure you invest in some of these must haves for new moms that will help make your experience a little easier. PS: add these items to your baby shower registry and get them as gifts!
The Baby Gear

Obviously, you’ll need some baby gear. But to be super honest, you probably won’t need as much as you think. It’s tempting to buy all the baby gear things because you want to make sure you have enough places to set the baby and soothe baby. But we’ve narrowed it down to just a couple “must have” baby items (and must haves for new moms) that you can’t parent without: The Car Seat, The Stroller, The Baby Carrier, and The Sleeping Solution.
1. Infant Car Seat
This is a non-negotiable item and an absolutely mandatory baby product, hence it being high at the top of our must haves for new moms list. Due to safety laws you won’t even be able to take your precious newborn home from the hospital unless you have an infant car seat properly installed in your vehicle. There are tons of varieties and brands of car seats on the market and you’re likely to find tons of resources online to figure out the best option for you.
2. Strollers
Strollers are also imperative because while you may not get out of the house much, when you do, it will be significantly easier with a stroller! Like car seats, there are TONS of options on the market so definitely do some research to find an option that would work best for your lifestyle. Check out our website to learn all about stroller varieties and options!
PRO TIP: If you really want to get a more realistic feel for a specific stroller, consider a short term rental from a company like BabyQuip. You will have the opportunity to “try before you buy”. This gives you the advantage of being able to test out stroller types in the real world, and not just within the small confines of the baby store, before making your final decision!
3. Baby Carrier
Third on our list of baby products in the baby gear and equipment category is the baby carrier. Make sure to register for or purchase a baby carrier so you can have both hands available when necessary. Trust us, you’ll need to strap a baby on to your chest so you can have all of your 10 fingers and both of your hands to do all of the things! There are soft carriers and hard carriers; we like soft ones for infant mode and harder, more structured carriers for bigger babies and toddlers. Definitely one of the best must haves for new moms: baby carriers are life savers! Hint: This is a great item to add to your baby registry and get as a baby shower gift.
4. Sleep Solution
Last up in the baby gear category is the sleep solution. Clearly you’ll need a safe place for the baby to sleep (and we’re hoping for a full 8 hours for you!). Like the car seat and stroller, you’ll have tons of options to choose from: bassinets, cribs, the Snoo, pack n plays, etc. Whatever you decide, make sure to also invest in some sleep solution accessories like a baby monitor and white noise machine. In the first days of parenthood, the most elusive, yet arguably the most important commodity is sleep. Sleep deprivation is real! It can leave even the most energetic pre-baby new moms feeling like zombies once the reality of night feedings kick in (sleep should be in a category of its own within must haves for new moms!). Do yourself a favor and invest in these items.
Feeding Supplies

It may come as a surprise, but once you become a new mom, you’ll have to feed a tiny human for the foreseeable future! Babies should really come with a warning label that says: Must be fed for 18 years. All jokes aside, feeding your little one comes with a unique set of needs and challenges, especially in the first few months of infancy. All the feeding supplies listed below are definitely must haves for new moms. Whether you’re breastfeeding, exclusively pumping, formula feeding or doing any combination of those, you’ll need things to help you do so!
If you’re breastfeeding or pumping, you’ll want a breast pump (hint: you might be able to get this for free from your insurance!) and all the breast pump accessories. Extra bottles and parts too! Nursing bras, nursing pads, and nursing pillows are also super handy. We like My Breast Friend. If you do breastfeed, make sure to drink lots of water, soothe with warm water, massage, and eat healthy!
If you choose formula, you’ll also want bottles and nipples and all those little bottle parts and pieces. But here’s the catch: we recommend purchasing a couple different bottles before your baby arrives. Try those out and see which bottle works best. Babies have unique preferences so before you invest a bunch of money into one type of bottle, do some experimentation with your baby to see what type of bottle he or she prefers.
Long story short, feeding your baby definitely requires some must have items; so plan ahead and have these handy before baby arrives.
Related articles:
- Best Sleep Schedules for Babies & Toddlers
- 12 Essential Baby Registry Must Haves
- BabyQuip Baby Gear Rentals: How to Get Started
Diapers & Other Diapering Items

Another obvious, yet vastly underestimated category is diapers and diapering tools. The first few months as a new mom will really just be a never ending cycle of feeding, diapering, sleeping, feeding, diapering, sleeping, etc. Trust us when we say it’s the most exhausting yet amazingly wonderful thing! You’ll love it.
But, what do you really need to have to be prepared in this category? Obviously, diapers. BUT, be warned: babies grow fast. All that feeding and diapering and sleeping makes them gain weight quickly. For that reason, you’ll definitely want a variety of diapers on hand (whether you choose cloth or disposable), not just newborn size. Make sure to stock up on larger sizes too. You never know if all of a sudden at 3AM in the morning your baby will have outgrown newborn size diapers! Diapers are one of the BEST baby shower gifts OR a great thing to ask for if friends or family stop by after your baby has arrived and ask if there’s anything you need – always request three things: coffee, food, diapers.
Some other items in this category: wipes (obviously), diaper rash cream (one of our faves is Boudreaux’s), a changing pad or table, a diaper bag, and hand sanitizer for diaper changes while out and about!
The Catch All Category (but still very important must haves for new moms!)

In this category are a bunch of must haves for new moms that don’t necessarily fit anywhere else; so we’ll call it the “catch all”. These are all indispensable must haves for new moms! If you are a first time mom you might overlook some of these basic items, but don’t let their basic nature fool you. These are definitely some key must haves for new moms.
1. A reliable thermometer (or two):
As a new mom, you’ll panic and worry and think worst case scenario often. Sorry. It’s just part of the gig. But, you can ease those worries by investing in a thermometer or two! We don’t know about you, but in pre-baby life, who ever used thermometers? Well, we’re here to tell you that thermometers will become part of the routine in parenthood. Check out this guide on The Bump that will help you make an informed decision about which thermometer is right for your little one. We love this Braun No Touch Digital Forehead Thermometer
2. Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ or Prime Video:
You’ll be logging some serious couch time as a new mom, so this is a definite must have. Watching your favorite show while baby nurses for 30 minutes is a great (and fun) way to pass the time!
3. Amazon Prime:
Having a Prime account is one of the most important must haves for new moms (in our opinion). It’s convenient, fast, and super entertaining during those middle of the night feedings. Shop while you feed! Need toilet paper? Amazon. Ran out of nursing pads? Amazon. Baby outgrew infant size onesies? Amazon.
4. Zipper Pajamas for Baby:
Skip the buttons. Zippers are way easier. This will save you in the wee hours of the morning (are you picking out some gifts for a new mom? This is high on the priority list of must haves for new moms AND a super fun gift to go shopping for). You’re welcome.
5. Infant Toys:
For the first several months, your baby won’t require much entertainment. They’ll be sleepy alot and when they are awake, they’ll be so entertained by you that they won’t need toys. But, there comes a time when they do need some stimulation, so it’s good to be a little prepared and have a few soft infant toys on hand.
So there you have it! The 5 most important categories of must haves for new moms. We hope this helps all moms, from new moms to moms of multiples, to feel more prepared and more equipped to welcome baby home. What are some of your must haves for new moms? What couldn’t you live without when you brought your new baby home? Comment below with your must haves for new moms!
Jennifer O’Neill is an Independent Quality Provider with BabyQuip, helping families travel lighter and happier. She is a mother of two boys and enjoys working out, spending time with family and friends and of course, traveling.
Great ideas. Thanks for making them into an easy to digest list.
Without a nursing pillow, my feeding journey would have been very difficult. As a C-section mom sitting n feeding continuously was a big challenge. But this did wonders in my life.
This is a great list of necessary things, especially the white noise machine!
Great list! My favorite item is the white noise machine. A very underrated small lovely device that makes all parents lives much easier.
Thanks for sharing!
White noise machine 100%! It was also recommended by our sleep trainer.
Definitely agree with test driving strollers if you can! As a former nanny, I got lots of experience with different types of strollers and was able to know my preferences ahead of time for my son.
I have never used the white noise machine, but it seems to be something that lots of families deem necessary. I plan to try it this go round.
It’s really nice to have at home and take along on trips for noisy hotels or family in the other room talking while the baby is sleeping.
Great list! My favorite item is the white noise machine. A very underrated small lovely device that makes all parents lives much easier :)
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the information on top 5 baby products. That’s definitely a good head start!