Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of C$3.33 per day.
The Evenflo Maestro offers two modes of forward-facing use.
Accommodating children 22-110 lbs, stage one has a 5-point harness for children at least 2 years old, and stage two allows you to use the vehicle belt as a high back booster for children at least 4 years old.
The up-front harness adjustment is centralized, making it easy to properly tighten the harness. Children appreciate the dual integrated cup holders to keep their snacks and drinks secure.
Link to Instructional Manual:
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1 in stock
**We provide car seat manuals but are not able to install due to insurance liability reasons.**
C$10.00/day -or- C$100.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
1 in stock