Le tarif mensuel est basé sur une période de 28 à 31 jours. Les locations au-delà de 31 jours seront calculées au prorata au tarif journalier de C$1.33 par jour.
This My Brest Friend pillow is designed to give moms the confidence they need to feel secure and position them for breastfeeding success. Its supportive backrest encourages good posture during breastfeeding and prevents neck and shoulder strain. Keep baby safe and sound and held securely in place on our firm and flat pillow throughout the entire nursing session. Wrap around design provides welcome support to your weary back and sore shoulders.
Keep all your maternity supplies and accessories easily within reach in the super-convenient side pocket.
À propos de cet article
1 en stock
C$2.00/jour - ou - C$40.00/mois
Au prorata après 31 jours
1 en stock