La tarifa mensual se basa en un período de 28-31 días. Las rentas de más de 31 días se prorratearán a la tarifa diaria de $11.67 por día.
is a lightweight, compact stroller featuring a one-hand, quick-fold design with on/off chassis lock. Designed to be an on-the-go The padded, supportive seat features a five-point harness system with head pad that is adjustable without having to rethread or unhook any straps. With a weight capacity of 55 pounds and an infinite recline, is suitable from birth. The extra-large canopy with a mesh ventilation window allows you to see your child, and your child to see you. The comfort-ride suspension ensures a smooth ride, and the swivel front wheel improves maneuverability. A single step locks both rear wheels simultaneously. Caregivers will further appreciate the padded handle, large under seat storage and the convenient zippered pocket on the back of the seat
Fabricante: Varies
Sobre este artículo
5+ en stock
$30.00/day -o- $350.00/month
Prorrateado después de 31 días
5+ en stock