Rent Baby Gear from Barbara Norman in Santa Rosa, California
Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More
Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $1.00 per day.
Design: Helps babies and toddlers feel safe at night so that they sleep soundly, this night light projects a starry night sky onto the ceiling and surrounding walls
Parental benefits: Auto wake-up mode and sound sensors detect when baby is awake and start soothing musical melodies and light projections, allowing parents to check on their little one from afar
Benefits and use: Easily attaches to the crib and can be quickly converted from a night light to a projector by turning the cover, changing the light output and projecting a starry night sky outwards
Cleaning and care: Easy to wipe clean
Infantino, smartly designed products for happy parenting: We design smartly, we have fun and we're overjoyed when an idea evolves full circle; into a product loved and used daily by parents everywhere