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Lectrofan is ideal for relaxation, study, speech privacy, or any situation where you'd like more control of your audio environment. It's also your personal white noise and fan sound machine to ensure a better night's sleep and peaceful rest. The LectroFan offers twenty unique digital sounds to block noises, and you can choose from ten different electric fan sounds and ten variations of pure white noise. All sounds can be personalized with pin-point volume control to select across a wide range of sound levels - from a whisper, to many times louder than mechanical fan based conditioners.
Note from Madison:
The "Anytime" time slot means that the provider (me) is free to choose anytime to deliver or pickup. Please don't choose this unless I am able to pick up at my preferred time.
I am happy to leave items with front desk/valet. Some hotels have protocols against this due to contracts with other companies or lack of storage space. BabyQuip is not permitted to deliver to the front desk at the following hotels:
For these hotels, I will need to deliver face-to-face but can typically do so at any time you need.
Please feel free to contact with any and all questions