Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $2.50 per day.
RideSafer is a safe, convenient, easy, ultra-portable and comfortable alternative to booster seats and car seats. It is more convenient for travel, carpool, and/or multi-child families, and perfect for frequent taxi/Uber rides. NOT FOR USE ON AIRPLANES.
RideSafer vests are legal to use in all countries that recognize US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. They also hold compliance certification under China Compulsory Certification , Korean KCL and are permitted in Canada as CMVSS 213.3 custom restraints.
Link to Instructional Video:
Link to Instructional Manual:
About this item
1 in stock
**We provide car seat manuals but are not able to install due to insurance liability reasons.**
$6.00/day -or- $75.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
1 in stock