Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $14.17 per day.
This stroller is a game changer for traveling, whether on a plane, train or in an automobile. It easily transforms from stroller to car seat and back to stroller in seconds. This is the stroller you need before you leave on your trip. Stroller/car seat comes with base as well.
I have two Doonas, one is allowed to be gate checked, and I'll provide you with the gate check bag. The other is not allowed to be gate checked. Please specify which one you’d like in your rental.
Manufacturer: Doona
Link to Instructional Video:
Link to Instructional Manual:
About this item
2 in stock
**We provide car seat manuals but are not able to install due to insurance liability reasons.**
$23.00/day -or- $425.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
2 in stock