Rent Baby Gear INCLUDING MINI CRIB - with mattress & toxin free washed sheets | BabyQuip

Rent Baby Gear from Candice Needham in Manahawkin, New Jersey

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More

Rent Baby Gear from Candice Needham in Manahawkin, New Jersey

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More


Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $5.50 per day.

Mini Folding Crib comes with a mattress and sheets. The sheets are washed in a toxin free detergent and double rinsed.

most of the cribs are neutral color. Color may vary depending on availability.

the mattresses are cleaned with organic cleaner, steam cleaned, and sun sanitized. The mattresses themselves are not organic for the mini cribs. They are thinner mattresses than your standard size cribs as well, about 3” which is all we are allowed to provide.

4 in stock

MINI CRIB - with mattress & toxin free washed sheets

$15.00/day -or- $165.00/month

Prorated after 31 days

4 in stock