Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $7.33 per day.
Single-seat, multi-function, modular stroller designed for maximum versatility.
Go-anywhere wheels
one-step footbrake and front-locking wheels
carriage basket for storage up to 25lbs
great as an option for multiple children
* you may sub the seat out for the bassinet * please let me know you’d like this option.
additional seating available either with second seat or bassinet options to add on. See the listing and add both to reservation.
please note only water is to be used in the stroller. Sunscreen is to be applied at a distance from the stroller as well. Additional cleaning fees can apply for such. Thank you for assisting in keeping our equipment pristine.
5 in stock
$15.00/day -or- $220.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
5 in stock