Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $6.00 per day.
An incredibly smooth ride, this stroller offers parent- or world-facing seating options and the handlebar easily switches without moving child seat. The seat reclines back or forward easily with the push of two buttons. Ample storage space underneath and a large canopy above. Great suspension to navigate bumpy terrain. We loved this stroller as our daily walk stroller because the back is curved and let our little one sit up and look around at us or the world from 5 months on. Other strollers have a flat back and he would slip and slide until he was leaning on the side, but not with the Bugaboo! It's so easy to switch which way the seat is facing too if sun comes or if the baby gets fussy and wants to see you or the world.
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1 in stock
$10.00/day -or- $180.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
1 in stock