Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $0.93 per day.
From a star to a sun, find a ton of pop-up fun with the Pop-Up Buddies from B. toys! This educational toy features 5 interactive activities. To play, little ones need to turn, push, toggle, slide, or flip the buttons on the bottom to activate the pop-up buddies at the top. For example, sliding the raindrop will make a cloud appear and flipping the mushroom will make a tree pop out! Inspired by nature and designed with kids in mind, this cause-and-effect toy introduces children to the sun, the moon, clouds, stars, and much more. But that’s not all! Playing with the colorful and tiny hands-friendly buttons can also help toddlers improve their fine motor skills and sensory development. Recommended for curious kiddos 18 months and over.
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1 in stock
$2.00/day -or- $28.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
1 in stock