Rent Baby Gear INCLUDING Package: Pack N' Play + Essentials | BabyQuip

Rent Baby Gear from Rosalba Cherry in Las Vegas, Nevada

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More

Rent Baby Gear from Rosalba Cherry in Las Vegas, Nevada

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More


Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $17.50 per day.

Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $22.67 per day.

All Car Seats are delivered sealed in storage delivery bags to ensure safety and cleanliness.

Everything you need for your traveling baby. Includes a Graco Pack 'N Play, a full size high chair, a full size single stroller and a convertible car seat (inquire if you prefer a Booster seat)

3 in stock

**We provide car seat manuals but are not able to install due to insurance liability reasons.**