Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $11.67 per day.
Includes base. Doona Car Seat and Stroller is the world's first complete and fully integrated travel system. Allowing you to move from car seat to stroller in a matter of seconds. Functioning as both a car seat and a stroller, your child will be safe when navigating by vehicle or in the streets. The sleek design will also allow for travel without disturbing your infant whether traveling by car, bus, or walking up the stairs. With its stylish design, convenience, and top safety features. This Doona car seat and stroller is the perfect travel system for you and your infant.
Manufacturer: Doona
Link to Instructional Manual:
About this item
2 in stock
**We provide car seat manuals but are not able to install due to insurance liability reasons.**
$20.00/day -or- $350.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
2 in stock