Rent Baby Gear INCLUDING Toy Package - 1 to 3yrs | BabyQuip

Rent Baby Gear from Teresa Kardoulias in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More

Rent Baby Gear from Teresa Kardoulias in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More


Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $6.67 per day.

This package contains toys that are mostly gender neutral and suitable for ages 1-3. Comes with either an activity cube, ride on toy or walker. Depending upon the age, gender of the child and your preferences we slightly modify the contents of this package. However you can expect to find at least some of the toys shown in this photo or a variation. 

Manufacturer: Varies

2 in stock

Toy Package - 1 to 3yrs

$15.00/day -or- $200.00/month

Prorated after 31 days

2 in stock