Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $1.33 per day.
Kids can have riding fun with the Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride and Ride Elephant. This adorable elephant friend features lights, music, fun sounds and three grow-with-me ways to play. The Fisher-Price 3-in-1 elephant gets baby moving by first bouncing up and down, then steadying baby's first steps as a walker and then as a baby-powered ride-on pal. The lively music, colorful lights, fun sounds, phrases and sing-along songs encourage and reward baby's actions. The elephant's big, soft ears move as baby moves, while the wobbly bumblebee, bat-at rollerball with rattle-bead sounds and two light-up buttons add even more fun and excitement. It can help promote gross motor skill development, fine motor skills and stimulate baby's senses. The Fisher-Price 3-in-1 ride-on elephant is suitable for ages 9 months and up.
Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride and Ride Elephant:
Link to Instructional Manual:
1 in stock
$2.00/day -or- $40.00/month
Prorated after 31 days
1 in stock