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BabyQuip Customer Terms of Use
Please read these BabyQuip Customer Terms of Use (these “Terms”) carefully. They govern your access to and use of the BabyQuip website and mobile device applications (collectively, the “Platform”) and the services offered via the Platform by BabyQuip, Inc. (“BabyQuip”, “we”, “us”). These Terms also contain important information about your legal rights, remedies, and obligations. By accessing or using the Platform, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms.
Important! You are not permitted to request or pay for Services (defined below) outside of the Platform. Doing so is a material breach of these Terms and where permitted by applicable law, voids any rights you may have under these Terms related to the applicable Services. IQPs are not permitted to offer Services or request payment for the Services outside of the Platform. If an IQP requests payment or offers the Services outside of the Platform, please report to us at
Where permitted by applicable law, and excluding individual residents of Quebec, please note that Section 12.2 of these Terms (the “Dispute Resolution Agreement”) contains an arbitration clause, jury trial waiver, and class action waiver that applies to all users of the Platform, except customers residing in the province of Quebec, and where such is not permitted by law. This provision applies to all disputes with BabyQuip and affects how disputes with BabyQuip are resolved. By accessing the Platform, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Resolution Agreement. If you do not agree to these Terms or the Dispute Resolution Agreement, you may not access or use the Platform.
Our collection and use of personal information in connection with your access to and use of the Platform or the services offered via the Platform is described in our privacy policy
We may change these Terms from time to time to reflect changes in the way we do business or changes in the law. If you continue to use the Platform after changes to these Terms go into effect, you will be deemed to have agreed to those changes (other than changes to the Dispute Resolution Agreement, which are addressed in the Dispute Resolution Agreement).
When using particular services or features of the Platform, in addition to these Terms, additional policies, services terms, payment terms or end user license agreements may apply to your use of that feature or service (“Additional Terms”). Additional Terms are incorporated herein by reference. To the extent there is a conflict between these Terms and any Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will control unless the Additional Terms expressly state otherwise.
Table of Contents
BabyQuip provides an online marketplace that enables certain third parties who offer baby and family equipment rental services, equipment cleaning services, and supply delivery services (the “Independent Quality Providers” or “IQPs” and the “Services,” respectively) to publish those Services on the Platform and to communicate and transact directly with users who are seeking to book such Services (“Users”). The Platform includes content provided by BabyQuip that is proprietary to us or that is licensed or authorized for use by us (the “BabyQuip Content”) as well as content provided by IQPs, including text, photos, videos, and other materials (the “IQP Content”).
You must be at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction to access and use the Platform. You must register an account (“BabyQuip Account”) to access and use certain features of the Platform, such as seeing a history of your past orders. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your BabyQuip Account credentials. You must immediately notify us if you know or have any reason to suspect that your credentials have been lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your BabyQuip Account. You are liable for any and all activities conducted through your BabyQuip Account. We are not responsible for your failure to comply with this clause, or for any delay in shutting down your BabyQuip account after you have reported a breach of security to us.
If you "sign in with Facebook" or otherwise allow us to access or use any profile or other information about you that you have provided to Facebook or another third-party website, you acknowledge and agree that the information or content that is a part of your social media site profile, which you have designated as "public" (or a similar designation), may be accessed and used by us in connection with the Platform.
As the provider of the Platform, we do not provide, control, manage, offer, deliver, or supply any Services. Independent Quality Providers alone are solely responsible for the listing and provision of their Services. When you request Services and an IQP agrees to provide those Services, you and the IQP are entering into a contract directly with each other. We are not, and do not become, a party to or other participant in any contractual relationship between you and any IQP. However, IQPs are third-party beneficiaries to these Terms, including without limitation the following sections: § 9 (Limits on Liability); § 10 (Indemnification); and § 12.4 (No Class Action or Representative Proceedings).
We have no control over and do not guarantee (a) the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any Services provided, (b) the truth or accuracy of any IQP Content or any ratings or reviews posted by Users, or (c) the performance or conduct of any IQP. We do not endorse any IQP. You should always exercise due diligence and care when deciding whether to communicate, interact with, and engage in any transaction with any IQP, whether online or in person.
The Platform may also contain links to websites or resources offered by third parties other than IQPs ("Third-Party Resources"). Third-Party Resources may be subject to different terms and conditions and privacy practices. We are not responsible or liable for the availability or accuracy of any Third-Party Resources, or the content, products, or services available from any Third-Party Resources. Links to Third-Party Resources are not an endorsement by us of those Third-Party Resources.
While we do not provide the Services, as the provider of the Platform, we coordinate with the Independent Quality Providers to set certain terms and conditions that apply to the Services. We do this to help ensure that the same terms and conditions apply to you regardless of the IQP you select in connection with any given request for Services.
In addition, when you access the Platform via certain of our business partners through whom you are coordinating other aspects of your travel, including via a link they provide or when you ask that they request Services on your behalf, you direct us to and agree that we may provide your personal information, including transaction details, to such business partners.
3.1 Requesting Services. Each IQP provides Services in a specific geographic location. You can request Services via the Platform by selecting an IQP servicing the desired location and adding the desired Services to your cart.
3.2 Paying for Services and Tipping Only on the Platform. All fees and taxes applicable to the requested Services will be included in the price set forth on the Platform (collectively, the “Fee”). Certain Services may be subject to a base rate. You agree to pay the Fee for any Services requested. We will charge the Fee at the time the Services are requested to the payment method you provide at checkout. IQPs will not accept cash or personal checks for Services and all payments for any Services (including extensions for any Services) must be made via the Platform. After you have received Services, if you would like, you may tip your IQP via the Platform. As stated above, IQPs are not permitted to request payment for any Services outside the Platform. If an IQP requests that you pay for Services off the Platform, please let us know at
You will be responsible for all applicable taxes related to your requested Services. Applicable taxes will be charged at the time you are billed. Taxes may depend on location.
We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to change the permitted methods of payment, including without limitation, the credit cards and/or other types of payment options we are able to accept, at any time.
3.3 Service Requests that Cannot be Fulfilled. If the IQP you selected is for any reason unable to provide the requested Services, you will be notified and provided with a full refund.
3.4 Delivery/Pick Up and Service Locations. The IQP will work directly with you to establish delivery/pick up or service location and times (via telephone, text, or email). You are responsible for providing complete and accurate information in the Platform regarding the delivery/pick up or service address and contact.
3.5 Additional Services Requests. If, before or after delivery of initially requested Services, you would like to receive additional Services, you may request those Services via the Platform. All additional Services will be provided at the rates set forth on the Platform. We will charge the additional Fee at the time the additional Services are requested to the payment method you provided for the initially requested Services. IQPs will not accept cash or personal checks for additional Services and you agree you will not attempt to pay any IQP outside of the Platform.
3.6 Dissatisfaction with Services. If you have a problem or are dissatisfied with any Services provided, you must notify the IQP within 24 hours of the start of rental period (or, to the extent permitted by law, you waive the right to any refund). The IQP will use best efforts to replace the item/re perform the Services as soon as possible. Rental equipment photos may or may not represent the actual equipment available for rent. If you require the specific item of equipment shown in the photo.
3.7 Convenience Fees. If you require delivery/pick up of equipment or provision of cleaning services outside the business hours provided by the IQP or on a holiday, you may be charged a convenience fee. If the IQP is unable to provide the requested service or required to return to a delivery or service location for any reason that is not due to an error on the part of the IQP (for example, no one is available at the prearranged time, Customer Equipment to be cleaned has been recalled or is expired, you request additional or replacement rental equipment), you will be charged a convenience fee.
3.8 Cancellation of Services. Our cancellation and refund policy can be found here: BabyQuip offers additional cancellation protection, Cancel For Any Reason (“CFAR”), which you can purchase separately when completing your order pursuant to certain limitations and restrictions. The Cancel For Any Reason Terms are Additional Terms and are available here: Cancel For Any Reason Terms. The CFAR Terms provide limitations and instructions for utilizing CFAR. Our cancellation policy and CFAR Terms may be updated from time to time. The policy and CFAR Terms that apply to your order will be those in effect at the time you place the order and/or purchase CFAR protection, as applicable.
3.9 Minor Damage Charge. You are responsible for returning the rental equipment in the condition in which it was rented, excluding normal wear. Should you damage any equipment you rent, and subject to Section 3.10, you agree that you may be charged an amount to cover minor damages (“Minor Damage Charge”). The maximum Minor Damage Charge dollar amount is set forth here and does not cover the cleaning of any rental equipment or offset any cleaning fee.
3.10 Damage Protection.
(a) Only Available For Equipment Rented From United States-Based IQPs. IQPs based in the United States who list their equipment on the BabyQuip Platform may benefit for BabyQuip’s Damage Protection program, under which, subject to certain conditions and limitations, BabyQuip agrees to reimburse IQPs for the physical damage to or loss of certain rental equipment up to a maximum set out on the BabyQuip Damage Protection landing page here (“Damage Protection”). For BabyQuip to offer the Damage Protection, you agree that you may be required to pay a fee for the Services (the amount as set out on the checkout page when you are completing your order). You additionally agree to pay and allow BabyQuip or the applicable IQP to charge your payment information the Minor Damage Charge even when an IQP makes a claim pursuant to the Damage Protection program (the amount as set out on the BabyQuip Damage Protection landing page here:, and any amount exceeding what the Damage Protection covers. By example, and not by way of limitation, if the Minor Damage Charge is $25 and Damage Protection covers $1000 worth of damage, and damage you cause to such rented equipment is $1100, you would owe an additional $75 on top of the Minor Damage Charge.
(b) Damage to Equipment Rented from IQPs Based Outside the United States. IQPs based outside the United States are not eligible for the BabyQuip Damage Protection program. If any equipment rented from IQPs not based in the United States is lost, stolen, or otherwise not returned, or the equipment is destroyed (i.e., repair is not reasonably feasible) you will be charged the fair market value of the equipment plus any shipping costs incurred by the IQP in connection with replacement of the equipment. If you are required to pay any fees for cleaning, repair, or replacement of equipment, the IQP will notify you and we will charge the credit card associated with your BabyQuip Account.
3.11 Terms that Apply to Equipment Rental Services.
(a) Extension of Rental Period. If you would like to extend your rental period, you may do so only via the Platform. You may not extend a rental period outside of the Platform. We will charge you for the additional rental period at the same rates we charged for the original rental period at the time the extension is requested. Extensions requested less than 24 hours prior to the originally scheduled pick up time may be subject to an extension fee.
(b) Condition of Equipment on Pick Up/Delivery and Return. You are responsible to inspect all Equipment promptly upon receiving it from the IQP and use such Equipment in accordance with the Equipment manuals/instructions and consistent with its intended use. You agree that you will not rent or use any Equipment if the user of the Equipment (e.g., you, a child, or a pet) has a communicable disease, infection, or infestation (e.g., lice or fleas) (collectively, "Disease"), and that you will not remove or damage any safety warnings or placards on the Equipment. You are responsible for any loss, theft, or destruction of any rental equipment from any cause during the rental period. Equipment must be returned in the condition it was received, excluding normal wear. You must promptly notify the IQP of any exposure of the Equipment to a Disease or damage to the Equipment found upon inspection or which occurs during the rental period. You may not allow food or beverage in any equipment other than high chairs or booster chairs and you may not allow smoking near the equipment. If any equipment is not reasonably clean on return (e.g. for car seats, as further described in Section 3.11(e)), you may be charged a per-item cleaning fee. If any equipment is returned (i) with evidence of vomit or excrement, (ii) after exposure to a Disease, or (iii) smelling of smoke, you may be charged an additional per-item detail cleaning fee. If any equipment is damaged (i.e., repair is reasonably feasible), lost, stolen, or otherwise not returned, or the equipment is destroyed (i.e., repair is not reasonably feasible), you agree to pay as further detailed in Sections 3.9 and 3.10 of this Agreement, which includes the Minor Damage Charge and any amount exceeding the Damage Protection.
(c) Compliance with Equipment Manufacturer Documentation and Applicable Law. You agree to comply with all (i) manufacturer user manuals or other written instructions for use provided or available to you and (ii) all laws, rules, and regulations relating to your use of any rental equipment, including without limitation, applicable Child Passenger Safety Laws.
(d) Request for Services on Behalf of a Guest. If you are a hotel or other provider of accommodations and you are requesting equipment rental services on behalf of a guest, you are required to provide us with the guest’s email address so that we can ensure that the guest is made aware of and agrees to these Terms.
(e) Cleaning, Damage, and Replacement of Rented Car Seats. IQPs will not install any car seat for you. All car seats will be provided with manufacturer user manuals and, upon request, the IQP will provide you with a list of certified agencies in the area that can assist you. To avoid permanently damaging a car seat, you must follow the car seat manufacturer’s guidelines. When in doubt, always contact the IQP for further instruction. You agree to NEVER use the following methods or products in cleaning out rented car seats: hosing off a car seat, use of Lysol, bleach, peroxide, OxiClean, alcohol*, stain removers, vinegar, steam*, disinfectant wipes, essential oils, or enzyme cleaners. If an IQP-provided car seat is in a vehicle involved in any accident, whether or not a child is in the car seat at the time, per the car seat manufacturer and the recommendations of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other regulatory bodies, the IQP may need to replace the car seat. If a car seat provided to you by an IQP is in a vehicle involved in any accident while in your possession, you agree to (A) notify the IQP of the accident and (B) supply the IQP with the accident report, if any.
*unless otherwise approved by the manufacturer.
3.12 Terms that Apply to Supply Delivery Services.
(a) Product Availability. Each IQP determines what types of products to make available for delivery via the Platform. Not all products are available in all locations or from all IQPs. Neither BabyQuip nor any IQP guarantees that any ordered product will ultimately be available for the IQP to purchase and deliver. If you request delivery of a product that is not available, your IQP will make reasonable efforts to contact you regarding a replacement. If the IQP is not able to purchase a requested product or replacement, you will not be charged for that product and the fees associated with your delivery will be adjusted accordingly.
(b) Third-Party Products. BabyQuip does not assume responsibility for any products delivered via the Platform. If you request delivery of any products by an IQP, through the Platform or otherwise, you agree that you do so at your own risk and that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither BabyQuip nor the IQP will have any liability based on your purchase, use, or access to such products.
3.13 Terms that Apply to Cleaning Services.
(a) Recalled or Expired Equipment. IQPs will not use the Platform to provide cleaning services for equipment that is not in good working order, that has been recalled by the manufacturer, or, in the case of a car seat, that has expired. You represent and warrant that any equipment you provide to an IQP for cleaning has not been recalled by the manufacturer and is not expired.
(b) Removal of Flame Retardant Chemicals. While IQPs will follow manufacturer recommendations for cleaning your equipment, any cleaning of equipment may result in the removal of the equipment’s flame retardant chemicals. You understand and acknowledge this risk. You hold BabyQuip and your IQP harmless from any loss or liability that may result from removal of flame retardant chemicals in connection with cleaning of your equipment.
(c) Assembly and Reinstallation of Rented Equipment. To effectively clean your equipment, it may be necessary or convenient for the IQP to dis-assemble the equipment and, in the case of car seats, to remove the equipment from your car. You understand and acknowledge that it is your responsibility to verify correct re-assembly of any equipment that has been cleaned. You further understand and acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to reinstall (or verify correct reinstallation) of any equipment that has been cleaned. It is not the IQP’s responsibility to reinstall equipment after the equipment has been cleaned. You hold BabyQuip and your IQP harmless from any loss or liability that may result from improper reassembly or installation of equipment after cleaning.
(d) Dissatisfaction with Cleaning Service. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of any cleaning services, you should notify your IQP upon completion of the services. In any event, you must notify your IQP within 48 hours after completion of the services. If you notify your IQP within that time period, your IQP will promptly re-perform the cleaning services to your reasonable satisfaction. If you do not notify your IQP within that time period, you waive your right to reperformance of the services.
(e) Damage to Your Equipment. To the fullest extent permitted by law and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in Quebec, BabyQuip is not responsible for any damage to your equipment as a result of cleaning services. If there is damage to any of your equipment, you should notify your IQP upon completion of the services. In any event, you must notify your IQP within 48 hours of completion of the services, or you waive your right to compensation. If the damage is minor, your IQP will provide you with appropriate compensation (i.e., a reasonable amount for repair or replacement of any broken parts, or if repair/parts replacement is not feasible, a reasonable amount for reduction in resale value). If the damage is material (i.e., the equipment is made unsafe or unusable), your IQP will reimburse you for the cost of an equivalent replacement item (i.e., the current model of the same item) plus shipping costs, if any.
(f) Clean According to Manufacturer Guidelines. You represent and warrant that you clean your car seats only pursuant to manufacturer guidelines. For additional information on the cleaning of rented car seats, see Section 3.11(e). You hold BabyQuip harmless and BabyQuip disclaims any responsibility for damage caused to your car seats by your failure to abide by manufacturer guidelines when cleaning your car seats. Further, BabyQuip may refuse to clean any car seat that BabyQuip believes, in its sole discretion, has not been properly cleaned according to the manufacturer guidelines prior to our receipt of the car seat.
Users can submit a star rating or leave a public review on the Platform about their experiences with Independent Quality Providers. If you submit a rating or leave a review, it must be accurate and may not contain any offensive or defamatory language. Ratings and reviews reflect the opinions of individual Users and do not reflect the opinion of BabyQuip. Ratings and reviews are not verified by us for accuracy and may be incorrect or misleading.
The Platform and the BabyQuip Content, including all associated intellectual property rights, are the exclusive property of BabyQuip and/or its licensors. All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, and any other source identifiers of BabyQuip used on or in connection with the Platform and the BabyQuip Content are trademarks or registered trademarks of BabyQuip in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and abroad.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to access and use the Platform and view any Content made available on or through the Platform solely for your personal use. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by BabyQuip or its licensors or any Independent Quality Provider, except for the license and rights expressly granted in these Terms.
Due to the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted availability and accessibility of the Platform. We may restrict the availability of the Platform or certain areas or features thereof, if this is necessary in view of capacity limits, the security or integrity of our servers, or to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper or improved functioning of the Platform. We may improve, enhance and modify the Platform and introduce new features or functionality from time to time.
In connection with your use of the Platform, you will not and will not assist or enable others to:
use the Platform or the BabyQuip Content or IQP Content (collectively, the "Content") for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Terms;
copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works of, translate, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Platform or the Content;
steal rental items or cause intentional damage of rental items;
copy, store or otherwise access or use any information, including personally identifiable information about any IQP or other User, contained on the Platform in any way that is inconsistent with our privacy policy or these Terms or that otherwise violates the privacy rights of IQPs or other Users;
use the Platform in connection with the distribution of unsolicited commercial messages ("spam");
contact IQPs for any purpose other than asking a question related to your own request for Services, including, but not limited to, recruiting or otherwise soliciting any IQP to join third-party services, applications, or websites;
use the Platform to request services independent of the Platform, to circumvent any service fees or for any other reason;
make any payment for services outside of the Platform (except for tips and payments for repair or replacement of rental equipment, which may be made directly to the IQP;
discriminate against or harass anyone on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation or other prohibited ground of discrimination, or otherwise engage in any violent, harmful, abusive or disruptive behavior;
use, display, mirror or frame the Platform or the Content, or (a) any individual element within the Platform, (b) BabyQuip’s name, trademark, logo, or other proprietary information, or (c) the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page in the Platform;
dilute, tarnish or otherwise harm the BabyQuip brand in any way, including through unauthorized use of the Content, registering or using BabyQuip or derivative terms in domain names, trade names, trademarks or other source identifiers, or registering and/or using domain names, trade names, trademarks or other source identifiers that closely imitate or are confusingly similar to BabyQuip domains, trademarks, taglines, promotional campaigns or Content;
use any robots, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or processes to access, collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the Platform for any purpose;
avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any technological measure implemented by us to protect the Platform;
attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Platform;
take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the Platform;
export, re-export, import, or transfer any BabyQuip application except as authorized by United States law, the export control laws of your jurisdiction, and any other applicable laws; or
violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.
You acknowledge that we have no obligation to monitor the access to or use of the Platform by any User or IQP or to review, disable access to, or edit any Content, Third Party Resources, or any ratings or reviews, but have the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to do so to (i) operate, secure and improve the Platform (including without limitation for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation and customer support purposes); (ii) ensure Users’ compliance with these Terms; (iii) comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of a court, law enforcement or other administrative agency or governmental agency; (iv) respond to any Content, Third Party Resource, or review that we determine is harmful or objectionable; or (v) as otherwise set forth in these Terms. You acknowledge and agree that BabyQuip administers its policies, including decisions about whether and how to apply them to a particular situation, at its sole discretion. You agree to cooperate with and assist BabyQuip in good faith, and to provide BabyQuip with such information and take such actions as may be reasonably requested by BabyQuip, with respect to any investigation undertaken by BabyQuip regarding any use or abuse of the Platform.
You may not use the Platform for any purpose or in any manner that infringes the rights of any third party. BabyQuip encourages you to report any content on the Platform that you believe infringes your rights. To report any such content on the Platform which you believe infringes your copyright, please see our Copyright Policy.
We may immediately, without notice, terminate or suspend your BabyQuip Account and your access to the Platform if, in our sole and absolute discretion, (a) you have breached your obligations under these Terms (e.g. you have attempted t, (b) you have violated applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, or (c) we believe in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of BabyQuip, its IQPs, or third parties. If your access to your BabyQuip Account and your access to the Platform has been terminated or suspended, you may not register a new BabyQuip Account or access and use the Platform through a BabyQuip Account of another User.
If you choose to use the Platform or the Content, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. The Platform and the Content are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
If we choose to conduct identity verification or background checks on any Independent Quality Provider, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by an IQP or guarantee that an IQP will not engage in misconduct in the future.
You acknowledge and agree we are not a party to any transaction between you and any IQP. We have no control over and do not guarantee the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any services provided by IQPs, the truth or accuracy of any IQP Content or any ratings or reviews posted by Users, or the performance or conduct of any IQP.
The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law, and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in Quebec. You may have other statutory rights. However, the duration of statutorily required warranties, if any, shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in the province of Quebec, if you are dissatisfied with the Platform, you do not agree with any part of these Terms, or you have any other dispute or claim with or against us, any Independent Quality Provider or any other User with respect to these Terms, the Platform, or the Services, then your sole and exclusive remedy against us is to discontinue using the Platform.
You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in the province of Quebec, the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Platform and the Content and your use of the Services, and any interaction you have with IQPs or other Users, whether in person or online, remains with you. Use of certain rental equipment, including without limitation, trampolines, inflatables, and play structures, may result in physical injury, especially when used by multiple persons at once. It is your responsibility to investigate any IQP and any rental equipment to determine whether it is suitable for you. Neither BabyQuip nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Platform, the Content, or the Services, including without limitation any IQP (“Released Parties”), will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services, or for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (a) these Terms, (b) the use of or inability to use the Platform or the Content, (c) any communications, interactions or meetings with, other Users or other persons with whom you communicate, interact or meet with as a result of your use of the Platform, or (d) your use of the Services, including your use of any rental equipment, use of any of your equipment after it has been cleaned, or use or consumption of any products delivered, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory, and whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.
Except for our obligations to pay amounts to Independent Quality Providers or make refunds to Users pursuant to these Terms, in no event will BabyQuip’s and any other Released Party’s aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Terms and your use of the Platform, the Content, or the Services, or your interactions with IQPs or other users of the Platform exceed the lesser of $100.00 (USD) or the aggregate amount you have paid or owe for Services requested via the Platform in the twelve-month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability.
The limitations of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between us and you and apply to the maximum extent permitted by law and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in the province of Quebec. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. If you reside outside of the U.S., this does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor for fraudulent misrepresentation, misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
You agree to release, defend (at our option), indemnify, and hold BabyQuip, the Released Parties and its and their affiliates and subsidiaries, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (a) your breach of these Terms or any laws, regulations or third party rights, (b) your improper use of the Platform, the Content, or any Services, and (c) your interaction with any Independent Quality Provider, including without limitation any injuries, losses or damages (whether compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind.
To the maximum extent permitted by law and except where expressly prohibited for individuals residing in the province of Quebec, we reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and you may not in any event settle any matter without our prior written consent.
11.1 Severability. If any provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid or nonbinding, the parties will remain bound by all other provisions hereof. In that event, the parties will replace the invalid or nonbinding provision with provisions that are valid and binding and that have, to the greatest extent possible, a similar effect as the invalid or nonbinding provision, given the contents and purpose of these Terms.
11.2 Assignment. You may not assign or transfer these Terms or any of your rights or obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent.
11.3 Entire Agreement. These Terms, including any policies referenced herein, constitute the entire agreement and understanding between us and you with respect to your use of the Platform, the Content, and the Services and replaces and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or undertakings regarding your use of the Platform, the Content, or the Services.
11.4 No Waiver. If we fail to enforce any right or provision in these Terms, the failure will not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.
11.5 Interpretation. In these Terms, the words “including” and “include” mean “including, but not limited to.” Section headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of these Terms.
11.6 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Released Parties are intended to be third-party beneficiaries. Except for the Released Parties, there are no third-party beneficiaries to these Terms.
11.7 Notices. Any notice delivered by us to you will be delivered by email to the email address associated with your BabyQuip Account or, if you don’t have a BabyQuip Account, the email address you provided when you submitted the relevant request for Services (to be clear, IQP’s will contact you via whatever method you and the IQP agree upon (e.g., email, cell phone)). Any notice delivered by you to us will be delivered by email to
11.8 Feedback. You may provide us with comments, suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or other feedback arising out of your experience with the Platform, the Content, or the Services (collectively "Feedback"). If you do provide Feedback, you assign to us all right, title, and interest, including any intellectual property rights therein, and agree not to assert any "moral rights", in and to the Feedback. Where such assignment is not effective, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, and unrestricted license to copy, reproduce, adapt, transmit, edit, modify, or otherwise use, publicly display, distribute, translate and create compilations and derivative works from, any and all Feedback (in any format or media) that you submit to or through, the Platform. Further, you understand and acknowledge that we will own all right, title and interest, including intellectual property rights therein, in and to any enhancements to the Platform, the Content, or the Services, or other services offered by us or any of our affiliates, or any new services developed by us or any of our affiliates, based upon or otherwise incorporating your Feedback.
11.9 Representation Regarding Age and Residency. You represent and warrant that you have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence and you are not a person or entity barred from using the Platform under the laws of the United States, your place of residence, or any other applicable jurisdiction.
12.1 Governing Law. For Customers who are not individual residents in the province of Quebec, as between BabyQuip and you, these Terms will be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to the choice of law or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. Any arbitration proceedings will be governed by federal arbitration law and by the JAMS, Inc. (“JAMS”) rules. Both BabyQuip and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of California for enforcement of arbitral awards or for temporary or preliminary injunctive relief for the limited purpose of avoiding immediate and irreparable harm, which will not be subject to the requirements of Section 12.3 or Section 12.4.
For Customers who are individuals resident in the province of Quebec, these Terms, will be governed by the laws of the province of Quebec and applicable Canadian federal law, without regard to the choice of law or conflicts of law provisions. Any action or proceeding arising out of, or related to, these Terms or your use of the Platform must be brought in the courts located in the province of Quebec, and you consent to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts.
12.2 Class Action Waiver
This clause applies to the fullest extent permitted by law, and does not apply to individuals residing in the province of Quebec.
Both you and BabyQuip waive the right to a trial by jury and the right to bring or resolve any dispute as a class, consolidated, representative, collective, or private attorney general action. Both you and BabyQuip waive the right to participate in a class, consolidated, representative, collective, or private attorney general action related any dispute that is brought by anyone else. Notwithstanding any provision in the JAMS rules to the contrary, an arbitrator shall not have the authority or any jurisdiction to hear the arbitration as a class, consolidated, representative, collective, or private attorney general action or to consolidate, join, or otherwise combine the claims of different persons into one proceeding.
12.3 Dispute Resolution
This clause applies to the fullest extent permitted by law, and does not apply to individuals residing in the province of Quebec.
Our right to amend these Terms at any time as set forth above does not apply to this Section 12.3 (this “Dispute Resolution Agreement”). The version of this Dispute Resolution Agreement in effect on the date you last accepted these Terms controls.
We want your experience with the Platform and the Independent Quality Providers to be a positive one. If you have a problem or dispute, we will do our best to resolve your concerns. If we are unsuccessful, you may pursue claims as explained in this Dispute Resolution Agreement, if applicable.
Step 1: Amicable ResolutionYou agree to give us an opportunity to resolve any disputes relating in any way to the Platform, the Services, any interaction with an IQP, or these Terms by contacting us at
If we are unable to resolve the dispute, the parties will, at the election of one or both parties, first attempt to settle the dispute through a nonbinding mediation proceeding. If any party to such mediation proceeding is not satisfied with the results thereof, or neither party elects to engage in a mediation proceeding, then any unresolved disputes will be finally settled in accordance with a binding arbitration proceeding. In no event will the results of any mediation proceeding be admissible in any arbitration or judicial proceeding.
Step 2: Optional Non-binding MediationAny party may commence a mediation proceeding. Any mediation proceedings will be conducted through JAMS, and will be nonbinding on the parties thereto. Mediation is less formal than arbitration – it is a facilitated negotiation process where the parties agree upon the procedures to be followed – there are no rules of evidence or set procedures for the presentation of facts or positions. (Notwithstanding the foregoing, any international dispute would be subject to the JAMS International Mediation Rules.)
The parties will select one neutral JAMS mediator with expertise in the area that is in dispute. The mediator will schedule the preliminary meeting and all mediation sessions. If an in-person preliminary meeting or mediation session is required, it will take place in San Francisco, California, or such other place as agreed by the mediator and all of the parties. If any party involved is not satisfied with the results of the mediation, that party may commence an arbitration proceeding.
Step 3: Binding Arbitration
Except for disputes relating to the infringement of your or BabyQuip’s intellectual property (such as trademarks, trade dress, copyright and patents) or where BabyQuip is seeking injunctive relief (the “Excluded Disputes”), you and BabyQuip each agree to finally settle all disputes only through arbitration. In arbitration, there is no judge or jury and review is limited. The arbitrator’s decision and award is final and binding, with limited exceptions, and judgment on the award may be entered in any court with jurisdiction. The parties agree that, except for Excluded Disputes, any claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to these Terms or your use of the BabyQuip Services will be resolved solely by binding arbitration before a sole arbitrator under the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS or any successor to JAMS (or, in the case of an international dispute, the International Arbitration Rules of JAMS or any successor to JAMS). In the event JAMS is unwilling or unable to set a hearing date within thirty (30) days of the filing of a "Demand for Arbitration," then either party can elect to have the arbitration administered by another mutually agreeable arbitration administration service that will hear the case. If an in-person hearing is required, then it will take place in San Francisco, CA or – if required by the JAMS rules (or the rules of any alternate arbitration service used by the parties) – in or near your city of residence. The federal or state law that applies to these Terms will also apply during the arbitration.
Disputes will be arbitrated only on an individual basis and will not be consolidated with any other proceedings that involve any claims or controversy of another party, including any class actions or class arbitrations; provided, however, if for any reason any court or arbitrator holds that this restriction is unconscionable or unenforceable, or for any Excluded Disputes, then the agreement to arbitrate does not apply and the dispute must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in San Francisco, CA. Either party may, notwithstanding this provision, bring qualifying claims in small claims court. In no event will you seek or be entitled to rescission, injunctive or other equitable relief or to enjoin or restrain the operation or exploitation of the BabyQuip Services or any other property of BabyQuip (provided that nothing in these Terms will restrain a California resident’s right (if any) under applicable law to seek public injunctive relief in accordance with this dispute-resolution provision).
You and BabyQuip agree that, in the event that there are fifty or more individual requests for arbitration of a similar nature filed against BabyQuip within an approximately thirty-day period (or otherwise in close proximity), JAMS will administer all such similarly situated arbitration demands on a collective basis as a single, consolidated arbitration (subject to a single set of fees, proceeding schedule, and, if required, hearing) before a single arbitrator in accordance with the requirements outlined elsewhere in this section, provided that – in the event that the arbitrator deems it impracticable or inequitable to administer all such claims collectively in a single arbitration – (s)he may group demands for arbitration into groups of not fewer than twenty matters, plus a remainder group as needed (or as otherwise deemed by the arbitrator to be practicable, equitable, and in best keeping with the spirit of this provision) and arbitrate each group of matters as a single, consolidated arbitration (either structure a “Batch Arbitration”).
You and BabyQuip agree (1) to work with JAMS in good faith to facilitate the resolution of disputes on a Batch Arbitration basis and (2) that requests for arbitration are of a “similar nature” if they arise out of the same event, agreement, or factual scenario and raise the same or similar legal issues and seek the same or similar relief. Disagreements over the applicability of this Batch Arbitration process will be settled in a single, consolidated arbitration proceeding that includes all affected parties and is resolved by a single arbitrator subject to the requirements of this section. This Batch Arbitration provision shall in no way be interpreted as authorizing a class or collective arbitration or action of any kind, or any suit or arbitration involving joint or consolidated claims, under any circumstances other than those expressly set forth in this section.
12.4 Severability/Unenforceability
In the event that any portion of this Section 12 is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of this Section 12 shall be given full force and effect. In the event that your agreement to have any unresolved dispute finally settled via binding arbitration is unenforceable, and except for Customers residing the province of Quebec, you agree: (a) that the laws of the State of California will govern any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms, without regard to conflicts of laws provisions, (b) to venue in the federal courts located in San Francisco, California, and to waive any claims based upon improper or inconvenient venue or lack of jurisdiction, and (c) that Section 12.2 will apply.
If you have any questions about these Terms or our Services, you may contact us at:
Phone: 201-695-8094
3201 Zafarano Dr
STE C-584-30598
Santa Fe, NM 87507